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Help! I don't have any photos yet
Updated over 3 months ago

In order to start quoting on the live requests waiting for you in your inbox, your profile on Add to Event needs to be published. This requires 3 things:

1) A subtitle & description about your business

2) A link to your website / social media so we can verify it's you

3) At least 3 great photos!

What to do if you have no photos yet

For some new businesses, we understand that you don't have any photos of your set up yet - especially if you're only just setting up. If you're in this position, don't worry!

To help you get started, we suggest adding 3 - 5 stock photos that closely resemble what you offer.

This allows you to get up and running without delay! Then, as soon as you've got some photos of your own, you can replace these on your profile to show off what you really do.

But be careful, there we do have some guidelines around the types of stock photos you can add:


  • Add a variety of stock photos that closely resemble your business

  • Ensure you have the appropriate licence to publicly use the photos

  • Make sure all photos are high quality

  • Choose unique photos that you haven't seen anywhere else


  • Upload photos from other businesses

  • Upload photos that are out of focus or poor quality

  • Upload photos with a watermark

  • Use photos that aren't free to use or you don't have the appropriate licence for

  • Keep stock photos up for a long time - you want to replace these as soon as possible with photos of your own!

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