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The Request & Quote Lifecycle
The Request & Quote Lifecycle

Find out what happens to your requests, quotes, and bookings in every stage of the process

Updated over 3 months ago

The Lifecycle of A Request

Requests can go through a variety of statuses to become a quote and a booking:


When you receive a brand new request, it lands in your inbox.

From here, you can preview requests, determine if you’re interested, and click into them to send a quote.

Or, you can do a couple of other actions: Favourite or Archive.

Favourite Requests

If you see a request you’re really interested in, but you’re not quite ready to quote, you can tap this star to “Favourite” the request so that you can easily find it later.

When you’re ready to return to the request, you’ll find it in the “Favourites” tab.

Remember though, speed can make a difference to your chances of locking in a booking, so if you see a request you’re really interested in, don’t wait too long to send a quote!

Archived Requests

On the other hand, if you see a request you’re not interested in, you can move it to “Archived” to clear it from your inbox by tapping this icon.

If you change your mind, you can simply head back into your “Archived” tab to view this later.

The Lifecycle of A Quote

Once you’ve identified an interesting request and sent a quote, it moves into the “quotes” tab. You can access this from the main menu.

Here you will find details of all of your previously sent quotes.

Like requests, these can fall under various statuses: Active, Pending, Inactive.

Active Quotes

As soon as you’ve sent a quote, it will appear in the “active” tab.

An Active quote is a quote you’ve sent on a request that is still open. This can include:

  • Sent quotes that haven’t been read by the customer yet

  • Sent quotes that have been read by the customer

  • Sent quotes where the customer has replied

  • Sent quotes where you are actively following up / have sent more than one message

These are easily distinguishable using the following tags:

Pending Quotes

The Pending tab will show you any quotes that are waiting to be sent. The only reason a quote will end up here is if you have typed out your quote, but you don’t have the credit balance remaining in order for it to send.

To move a quote out of Pending, simply purchase an additional credit bundle, and it will automatically send to the customer (providing the request is still open)!

Inactive Quotes

You will notice that after a time, your active quotes will become inactive and move to this tab.

A quote will automatically move to the “inactive” tab for one of the following reasons:

  • Your quote was declined by the customer

  • The event date has passed

  • Your quote wasn’t read within 14 days and the credits have been refunded to you.

You can easily tell the reason why your quote was archived as it will show one of the following tags:

The Lifecycle of A Booking

Once your quote has been accepted, it will move to the “Bookings” area which is accessible via the main menu.

Within bookings, you will see two tabs: Upcoming and Completed.

These are there to help you easily track which events you have coming up vs your past events.

From the upcoming tab, you can filter and sort by date of event and a range of other factors to keep on top of your calendar.

From the completed tab, you can keep track of all your completed jobs & request a review from the customer to add to your profile.

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