Keep your availability up to date for more relevant requests.
The Availability feature lets you keep on top of your booking availability on Add to Event.
What does it do?
The availability feature will let you block days you aren't available, and unblock days you are. You can:
Set regular working days (or leave them all open, it's up to you!).
Block any day, or set of days, and add a small note to remind you of why you're not working then.
Unblock a day you wouldn't usually work if you suddenly become free.
When you accept a job, you can automatically mark that day as blocked.
Equally, when you decline a job, you can mark that day as blocked, and stop receiving requests for it.
Blocking a day stops you receiving hundreds of emails, and clogging up your request inbox for days you already know you're unavailable on.
How does it work?
In your account, open the main menu and expand the "Your Preferences" section. Then select "Availability"
On your first time, you'll be asked to select your work pattern - you can change this later if you need to.
If you select, “I work whenever events require it”, you’ll be presented with the option to auto-block dates.
By selecting “Enable auto-blocking days when I have confirmed events” our system will automatically block dates for bookings you secure through our platform (you can disable auto-blocking at any time).
Once selected, click “Save” to proceed.
Alternatively, if you select “I have set working days”, you’ll be presented with the option to state the days you are available.
Untick the days you are not available for and then click “Save” to proceed.
Once in, you’ll be able to block dates in your calendar for your existing bookings. You can do this for single days as well as multiple days at a time.
Select the date, click “Blocked” and add an optional note to the date. Click “Save” once selected.
You can also block out multiple dates at a time. Just click and drag to select multiple dates.
Prefer to see this as a year instead? Just click “Year” to see your availability in a yearly view and block out dates from here too!
Can event organisers view your blocked dates?
The days you have blocked are not on display for event organisers to look through. The feature is purely for your use so you can block out unavailable dates so you don’t receive requests for those days.
Ready to get started?
To start blocking out dates access your availability area from here.