We always let you know when a customer has seen your quote, meaning you can perfectly time your follow up!
Customers can get busy and will sometimes take time to respond, especially if they have colleagues, partners or committees to consult before selecting their preferred supplier. So, if you’re waiting to hear back from a customer, a follow up is always welcome. It never hurts to put yourself front of mind & top of the inbox.
We send regular automated reminders, but there’s nothing like a personal follow up via phone or in Add to Event chat to lock in that booking!
Some follow up strategies we’ve seen work with our customers are:
Providing additional information or options
Asking if they have any further questions questions
Offering to have a phone call to discuss
Updating them on your availability if the date has had other interest
Letting them know about a limited time promotion
Whichever strategy you choose, make sure you’re following these top tips:
Keep the conversation moving
Be succinct
Leave the door open
Follow up by phone where appropriate
Keep The Conversation Moving
When a customer replies, getting back to them quickly and keeping the conversation moving is key. Instead of a simple response like “Yes, we could do that for you no problem.”, claim the opportunity to lock in the customer by expanding your message and asking questions. A response like this could make the difference between you winning the business or not:
Hi Sally,
That’s absolutely no problem at all, we’ve done that before at lots of similar events.
How are you getting on with deciding on a supplier? Are there any other questions you have for us at all? We have had a few other enquiries for this date so do let us know as soon as possible if you’d like to go ahead.
I’m available anytime, 07xxx xxx xxx f you’d like to have a quick chat at all?
Kind regards,
Be Succinct
Express interest and excitement to get started and share details of relevant work with similar organisers. Keep this to 1 or 2 paragraphs maximum.
Leave The Door Open
Leave a positive impression. If it didn’t work this time, make certain that your name is in their mind for future events.
Follow Up by Phone
Around 80% of our requests include the customer’s phone number. In many cases it can be worth following up by phone to discuss what you can offer - especially for corporate customers where they’ll be more open to taking a call during the day and eager to sort things out.
Our advice: give the customer a couple of hours to review and read your quote before following up, but don’t wait too long! You want to be front of mind and a call is always welcome.